All this debate needed was Vince McMahon, from WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) as its ringleader!
There were bodyslams, gouged eyes and sucker punches as the Democratic debate resembled more of one of McMahon's famed fights (his are scripted and staged). Truth be told, some of the "hits' last night were probably anticipated, and the "counter punches" scripted.
For example, when Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) accused Hillary Clinton of "sending jobs overseas" when she was on the Board of Directors of Walmart, she countered that he once did legal work for a "slum landlord" in Chicago, it was high drama and great theatre!

But those moments were more anticipated by each camp, than they were spontaneous. These are smart folks, who are well prepared. They go into the debates with some semblance of what the other side might say bad about them, and with some idea of a planned response!
It takes me back to the 1988 Vice-presidential debate when Lloyd Bentsen "slammed" Dan Quayle, with the "I knew Jack Kennedy" line. The Bentsen campaign "planned" that response well ahead of time, if Quayle tried to compare his length in public office to Kennedy's (which were in fact quite similar in duration).
Poor John Edwards must have felt like Admiral Jim Stockdale (Ross Perot's '92 running mate). Stockdale, seemingly out of place, opened with "Who am I? Why am I here?" Writers at "Saturday Night Live" were forever grateful!
But former Sen. Edwards (D-NC) was right last night when he said the Obama-Clinton feud wouldn't get any needy children health care. He was right, but was anyone listening to him? Edwards could be a power broker and determine the nominee, if the other two deadlock.
Democratic voters in South Carolina go to the polls this Saturday. The latest "Real Clear Politics" poll which is the average of several polls has it: Obama 43%; Clinton 32%; Edwards 14%; and the all important "undecided-uncommitted" at 10%.
Today, please take the time to e-mail 5 friends and family members and tell them about this political blog: www.markcurtismedia.blogspot.com
I will be in Florida beginning on Sunday, to cover Tuesday's 1-29 GOP primary. It could be a "do-or-die" vote for former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, (R-NY). In a scene reminiscent of Michael Dukakis's famed 1988 "tank ride" Giuliani took his campaign bus for a VERY slow lap around the Daytona 500 race track in Florida Monday. One hopes it was a not a "metaphor" for his campaign prospects in the Sunshine state!

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