Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mark Curtis Discusses Clinton's Winning Strategy

1 comment:

America08 said...

You should get paid by the Clinton campaign. Is the 'frame' delivered to you by the campaign?

Your characterization of Obama on mornings on 2 this morning was amusing.
The REAL deal is he's winning, he's in front. STILL! Not he thinks he's in the lead and should get the nomination. Where did you hear that? I haven't heard Obama say that? He seems to just continue to campaign.

Ohio, Texas,now Penn. after the hoopla no significant gain, still can't win. Does the math count? Here's the ACCURATE ANALOGY: She scored a late touchdown when the scrubs are in covering the spread at best.

This is the question. We've known she was going to run for 2yrs, known who she is for 16yrs. Why didn't she gain the lead and why has she not caught up? Why isn't she winning?