(Danville, California)
Just for the fun of it, let's assume the Democratic nomination is decided, and Barack Obama has won.
Assuming he offers the VP slot to Sen. Hillary Clinton, here are three reasons why she should accept:

ONE: Being Vice President is the best way to become President. Fourteen of our 42 presidents previously served as VP. That is exactly one-third. Those are very good odds. Five vice-presidents were directly elected to the top job; four moved up after their predecessors died from natural causes; four advanced because of assassinations, and one was promoted due to a resignation. So as much as everyone belittles the role of Vice President and some of those who have served, it is still the most viable way to become the "big boss."
TWO: The Democrats gain one vote in the Senate. Remember, the VP is also President of the Senate. If an Obama-Clinton ticket wins, the Governors of Illinois and New York must appoint replacement senators. Since both governors are Democrats, those seats will be safe. Even if there is a tie vote in the Senate, the VP votes to break the tie. This could mean the decisive vote on a budget or a Supreme Court nominee.

THREE: The role of VP has finally risen to prominence as that of a policy maker. Dick Cheney may be the most powerful VP ever, but a few of his predecessors were very influential, including Al Gore, George H.W. Bush and Walter Mondale. So, as Al Gore focused on the environment and telecommunications policy and helped steer significant legislation on both, a VP Clinton might have her strongest forum yet for steering health care reform. And just in case there is a Senate tie, she gets to vote.

There are other bonuses too. The Clintons would live at the Naval Observatory on the northwest side of Washington, DC, near the National Zoo. It's pretty swanky! It also gives Bill Clinton a nice base of operations for all his endeavors. Plus, she makes history as the first female VP, and it solidifies a family dynasty.
Yes, the Clintons will have to swallow a little pride and eat a little crow, but a unity ticket (Forget the silly phrase "dream team," because the relations between the two camps are more of a "nightmare!"), might be the only ticket the Democrats can ride into the White House.
I see no downside to Hillary Clinton's taking the number two slot. If the ticket ultimately loses, she and Obama still retain their Senate seats, as neither is up for reelection this year. They can run for the White House again in 2012, as a single McCain term would be a real possibility.
So take the second slot if it's offered Sen. Clinton. It just might be your "ticket" to a lot of better places!
I will be in Philadelphia for the Pennsylvania primary, which takes place one week from today.
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