(Danville, California)
It's great to be back in California after my trip to the Pennsylvania primary. Now the campaign plot thickens. The big May race in Indianapolis is NOT the "500" this year. Instead, it is the May 6 race for the Democratic nomination in Indiana. North Carolina holds a primary that day, too; but Barack Obama is way out in front there!
Indiana is now the race to watch. The Obama lead there has shrunk to essentially nothing. The latest Research 2000 poll has it 48 percent for Obama, 47 percent for Clinton. Once again, the 5 percent undecided voters will decide this race. In Texas, Ohio and Pennsylvania, the undecided vote swung to Hillary Clinton in huge numbers during the last week before the primaries. It could happen again in Indiana!

Indiana is similar to Ohio and Pennsylvania in that its industrial-manufacturing base has been decimated. And farming is still a tough way to make a living. Hillary Clinton does very well among disaffected blue-collar workers, and that could pay off for her in the Hoosier state.

I will be in Charlotte, N.C., next week for the North Carolina primary. Check in often at www.MarkCurtisMedia.blogspot.com.
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