Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A Footnote!

(Fort Lauderdale, Florida)

We've all said things we later wished we wouldn't have said. The same goes for writers, sometimes wishing they could take a column back.

In some respects, when I wrote my Easter Sunday column on the "most inspiring politician of 2008," I "wish I'd known then, what I know now."

The recent revelations that Gov. David Paterson (D-NY) and his wife both had affairs and that he used cocaine in his 20s are hardly qualities that many would find admirable.

To be fair, everyone I wrote about, from Hillary Clinton, to John McCain, to Barack Obama has their share of "personal baggage" in their lives.

What I was trying to make a point of in the column, was something each has done in their careers that was inspiring and all of them have done so. The article was about a "most inspiring political accomplishment." It was not for "most virtuous person of the year!"

As we have all seen this year, electing a president is a flawed process. Finding a candidate without personal flaws may be the only thing more difficult.

Check back often at www.MarkCurtisMedia.blogspot.com

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