In a strange political twist, Gov. Bill Richardson (D-NM) has made a late endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama to be the Democratic nominee for President. Richardson, was thought to be on a short list of VP choices for Sen. Hillary Clinton is now "toast" for the number 2 spot. Here's why:

Democrats can win the White House without winning New Mexico; but the probably cannot win the Presidency without Ohio!
Still the endorsement was odd, and so was the timing. Clinton has done very well with Latino voters (Richardson is Hispanic), but it's a little too late in the game for that influence to help Obama. Six weeks ago it might have delivered the knockout punch to Clinton. Today it makes news, simply because nothing else is going on.
So who will Obama pick for VP, if he wins the nomination? I still say he at least offers it to Clinton, and she'd be foolish not to take it.

I bet you a couple of chocolate Easter eggs, that Richardson will be named Secretary of State, if Obama wins the White House! You heard it here first!
I will be reporting from Florida all week. Check in often at
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