(Dallas, Texas)
Cold weather and even snow greeted voters in Texas this morning, as polls opened in the largest state of up for grabs today in the Presidential race. Rain in Ohio could be a factor as well, with a chill in New England's Vermont and Rhode Island.
Even in sunny Dallas, some cars had an inch or two snow covering from overnight.
Nothing is dampening the enthusiasm though. Texas already had 1.2 million voters even before today and a record turnout is predicted here and in the other states.
We have a weird voting "quirk" here today, called the "Texas Two-Step." Democrats can vote twice! First they vote in today's primary, and that will select about two-thirds of the convention delegates. Then tonight, Democrats return to their polling place for a party caucus. That will select the final one-third of the delegates, but we may not know the final results of that election until June 7. And we could have a "Florida 2000" situation, where one candidate gets more popular votes and the other candidate gets more delegates. This could get ugly down the road! Former President Bill Clinton has joked, "Texas is the only place you can vote twice in the same day without getting arrested!"
Republicans just have a Texas primary and its possible John McCain could reach the 1,191 delegate count tonight, that he needs to "officially" secure the GOP nomination. I will be at his victory party tonight at the Dallas Fairmont Hotel.
Today after my "live" broadcast to KTVU from downtown Dallas, I felt compelled to visit the assassination site of President John F. Kennedy, which happened almost 45 years ago.
I took my daughter and Internet Producer Allie Curtis to Dealey Plaza, the Texas School Book Depository and the famed "grassy knoll."
An "X" painted on Elm Street still marks where the presidential limousine was, when the fatal bullet struck.
It was absolutely chilling! This is the most fascinating and contentious presidential election since that fateful day, and it is ironic to see Dallas playing such a huge role again on the presidential stage. I was 4 1/2 years old when JFK was killed, but despite that young age the memory of that week is forever seared in my mind. Let us hope and pray as a nation that no matter who we select this year, we never have to endure such a tragedy again.
My daughter Allie and I will be covering the McCain rally in Dallas tonight. And I will be "live" on KTVU's "Mornings on Two" with Ross McGowan, at 7:45 Wednesday morning.
Check in at www.MarkCurtisMedia.blogspot.com for updates. Tell your friends too!
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