Since it's Easter weekend, I thought I would dedicate my Sunday column to what I feel is the most inspiring political story of the year. Through all the cynicism of politics there are some great stories out there, especially in this year's presidential race.

So which is my choice for the MOST inspiring story of the year in politics? None of the above!

But the hooker scandal that leveled now former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer has brought Paterson to power. Spitzer, who certainly would have been a viable presidential candidate from 2012 through at least 2028, will now be nothing more than an obscure question in future versions of "Trivial Pursuit."
Paterson, on the other hand, is a great story of inspiration. Yes, he's the first black Governor of New York, but not in the nation. African-Americans now have a significant seat at the table of American politics, so that's not the most inspiring thing about him.
What is most inspiring is the fact that he is legally blind. The disabled are still shunned in many quarters of this nation. In fact over 70% of disabled adults are unemployed, even though many want to work and are able. So for a blind man to rise to the top job in one of our largest states is truly inspiring.
Now, he's not the first in this category. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was also once the Governor of New York, and he was disabled, too. But in his days there and in the White House, he was rarely-- if ever- depicted in his wheelchair. In fact, the people who designed the FDR memorial in Washington, DC, did not show him in a wheelchair, until activists for the disabled spoke up loudly.
That was just a few years ago! So we've come to the point in American politics where you can win if you're black and you can win if you're a woman, but we still try to hide those with disabilities.
Not any more! What FDR and Sens. Dan Inouye, Bob Dole and Max Cleland did for those disabled by war, David Paterson has now done for the blind.
You see, he and others might argue the term "disabled" to begin with. Yes, they are challenged by a physical issue, and maybe even impaired, but they are not handicapped or disabled.
To the thousands of people who read their newspapers in braille, Gov. David Paterson is the most inspiring American political story of 2008.
It's a wonderful story any day, but particularly meaningful this Easter season!
I'll be covering politics in Florida all week. Check back at
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