If the last two Democratic candidates for President wish to "kiss and make-up" they'd better hurry. In fact this may require a quick trip to Reno, "shotgun marriage" and all. Either that, or their hopes of a so-called "dream ticket" are toast.
The latest volley came Easter Sunday, two days after former presidential candidate and two-time Clinton cabinet member Gov. Bill Richardson (D-NM) endorsed Sen. Barack Obama. Longtime Clinton strategist James Carville, described it in Biblical terms:
"Mr. Richardson's endorsement came right around the anniversary of the day when Judas sold out (Jesus) for 30 pieces of silver, so I think the timing is appropriate, if ironic," Carville said.

Sen. Clinton's spokesman Howard Wolfson said he would apologize, but since he didn't say it, he has no plans to retract or apologize for the Carville comments!
Double OUCH!!!
So can the Democrats survive this type of fight, and "marry" in time for November? It gets harder as each day (and each nasty comment) goes flying by!
In truth, John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson despised each other, but their "shotgun wedding" worked in 1960. And remember George H.W. Bush referring to the Reagan tax cut plan in 1980 as "voodoo economics?" But they eventually got "hitched" for one of the greatest Presidencies in American history.
But in 1960 and 1980, most of the barbs were political. The latest volleys between the Clinton and Obama camps are downright personal. That is a bit harder to overcome!
Not to be lost in all this, was the speech by Hillary Clinton talking about arriving in Bosnia years ago, to sniper fire. Archived news footage from the day shows nothing of the kind. Triple OUCH!!!
Clinton's spokesman now says she "misspoke" and was referring to a different event on that same trip. Whatever the case, it hurts her credibility when she claims greater experience than Obama in dealing with foreign affairs.
As for John McCain, he's able to stay out of the fight and above the fray. He's traveled to Iraq, Great Britain and other world spots, looking "presidential." That has helped him, even as he "misspoke" about Iran (Shiites) training Al-Qaeda (Sunnis), something most experts find highly improbable.
His comments paled in comparison to the Democratic infighting and might quickly be forgotten. But they could reappear in a campaign ad this fall.
Sen. McCain and Sen. Clinton have probably learned a very important lesson this week. Be careful what you say on camera, as it can live forever on videotape.
I am reporting on the campaign all this week from Florida, where no one really knows what will happen to this state's Democratic delegates. OUCH, again!!!!!
Check back often at http://www.markcurtismedia.blogspot.com/
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