(Danville, California)
The two likely presidential nominees have officially launched their search for vice-presidential running mates. John McCain has invited some folks to his Sedona, Arizona, home for a Memorial Day weekend barbecue. Barack Obama has appointed a longtime democratic power broker to begin his search.
Among those invited to the McCain party are Gov. Charlie Crist (R-FL) and Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA).
Crist is a more likely choice, as Florida and Texas are the cornerstones for a GOP victory in November, just as New York and California are the cornerstones for Democrats.
Jindal is an interesting idea. He's 36, an Indian-American and a former member of Congress. Louisiana is a "must win" for Republicans after the botched response to Hurricane Katrina (which, in fairness, was a bipartisan mishandling at the federal, state and local levels). Former Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AR) has already stated that he would like to be the VP, and former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA) is also invited to the McCain BBQ!

On the Democratic side, Obama has asked longtime Democratic operative Jim Johnson to lead his VP search, as Johnson did for Walter Mondale in 1984 and for John Kerry in 2004. Certainly Sen. Hillary Clinton will be considered.
Other possibilities are Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), as Missouri is a "must win" state for either party. Former Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-NE) or former Sen. Sam Nunn (D-GA)
are also being looked at to offset the foreign policy inexperience of Obama.

are also being looked at to offset the foreign policy inexperience of Obama.
Just remember "Mark's First Commandment" for presidential (and VP) politics: "Thou shalt win thy own state!" John Edwards sank Kerry in 2004 by not winning North Carolina, and Al Gore sank himself in 2000 by not winning Tennessee.
Sen. John McCain is holding a rally in Stockton, California, later today, and I will be there.
Check back at www.MarkCurtisMedia.com.
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