(Danville, California)
I am just guessing, but I am beginning to wonder if Hillary Clinton will pull the plug on her campaign Wednesday morning. I say this because I heard her on CBS radio this morning, and gone is the fire from her voice.

Clinton not only sounded tired, she sounded dispirited, as if she knew the end was now inevitable. The "Super Delegates" are swinging to Obama in numbers too big to ignore. I will not use tired cliches about the "fat lady singing," but she is clearly having another ham sandwich and looking for her pitch pipe. (Oops! I used the cliche anyway!)
Here's my thinking: While I sincerely hope Sen. Clinton stays until the end of the primary season on June 3 in Montana and South Dakota, it may seem pointless because right now Obama is ahead in both states. He is also predicted to win Oregon on May 20. On the other hand, polls in West Virginia have Clinton out front. So she could win this Tuesday night, then bow out gracefully Wednesday morning. Don't be surprised if it happens!
All this, I believe, is setting the stage for Barack Obama to offer Clinton the VP spot on the ticket. Now, no one I speak to believes me. Saturday night, my former KTVU colleague Mike Mibach said, "Are you smoking crack?" when I broached my theory of the Obama-Clinton ticket. I get similar reaction on the campaign trail all over the nation.
Yes, it would be a "shotgun marriage," and, no, I am not poking fun at West Virginia when I say that.
Quick! Tell me who would be a better running mate? No names quickly come to mind, do they?
Now I think Gov. Ed Rendell (D-PA) is possible, and so is Gov. Ted Strickland (D-OH), but both were Clinton backers. Still, Obama needs to win both Pennsylvania and Ohio, or the Marine Band will be playing "Hail to the Chief" for John McCain. Former Nebraska Senator, Governor and war hero Bob Kerrey is also a strong VP choice, because he could carry Nebraska. Finally, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson has a long resume, and New Mexico swings both ways (Gore 2000, Bush 2004), so it could be the one state to push Obama to the top. However, some may question the viability of the first African-American presidential nominee, picking the first Latino vice presidential nominee. We'll see.
So, that brings me back to Hillary Clinton. She has a national constituency, and she's battle tested on the campaign trail. Besides, an Obama-Clinton ticket may be the only way left to heal such a wounded and fractured party. John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson despised each other, but had the magic ticket balance that worked in 1960.
I will be in Charleston, West Virginia, Monday through Wednesday, covering the primary. Check in often and tell your friends about www.MarkCurtisMedia.blogspot.com
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