(Beaverton, Oregon)
In the spirit of the late, great "New York Times" political reporter and food critic R.W. Apple, Jr., today we continue our series about great dining on the campaign trail. This week's trip to the Oregon primary took me to "Jake's Crawfish and Seafood," which was recommended by Mike, the photographer from KPTV, with whom I was working. My old friend Brad Belstock, of KOIN-TV, also said it was great.
I was told they have a wonderful "Happy Hour," so I arrived promptly at 5 p.m., since the Obama "victory rally" was not for another two hours." It's an old wooden barroom-style restaurant, first opened in 1892. Cool place, with lots of photos of famous political figures.

The talk of the bar, though, is a photo showing Presidents Kennedy, Johnson (then VP), Eisenhower and Truman in a church pew. It's one of those rare, "Mt. Rushmore" type pictures. A handful of us argued for about thirty minutes about where it was taken. Finally, I correctly guessed it was at the funeral for legendary House Speaker Sam Rayburn of Texas.
Anyway, "Jake's Crawfish" is a real Portland treat for the food, the history and the good company. It is located at 410 12th Street SW, Portland, OR.
Thursday I will be covering a rally for GOP Sen. John McCain in Stockton. Keep it tuned to www.MarkCurtisMedia.blogspot.com.
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