(Danville, California)
I'm back in California today; and, as always, I am surprised at what made news while I was on the airplane. When told to shut down his electronic devices, a news junkie is cut off from the world. Case in point: Sometime from when I left Dulles International Airport to when I arrived in San Francisco, John Edwards endorsed Barack Obama.
It's a big deal more from the standpoint of delegate math than it is from whatever political weight John Edwards carries. (Very little, actually!) Edwards's campaign fell flat this year, and he could not even carry his home state of North Carolina when he ran for Vice-President in 2004.

One thing this should not do, is secure John Edwards's place on the Democratic ticket as VP. Been there; done that! And it failed! Also, Edwards only served one term before he quit the Senate. Obama is only in his first term, as well. Inexperience plus inexperience does not equal experience! Also, Edwards is not very popular in the Deep South, which is where Obama needs to win at least one state.

I will be writing daily about the latest campaign developments. Monday I arrive in Portland for three days of coverage of the Oregon primary!
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