Monday, February 4, 2008

Candidates Criss-Cross Country Like "Where's Waldo?"

Remember, the popular children's book "Where's Waldo?" Page after page, the goal was to find the hidden man in the crowd, wearing the red and white striped shirt!

Consider that a metaphor for last minute Super Tuesday campaigning. With 22 states on the line tomorrow candidates and their spouses seemingly have to be everywhere! Here is a snap shot of today:

Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY): Starts her day in New Haven, CT, then it's on to Worcester, MA and then Dorchester, MA for a "live" town-hall meeting tonight on the Hallmark TV Channel. Former President Bill Clinton campaigns for his wife today in California, with stops in Sacramento, San Francisco and Stockton.

Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL): Knowing he's locked in a tight race with Sen. Clinton in some key states, Barack Obana is right on her heels. Today he appears in East Rutherford, NJ, then on to Boston, MA and Hartford, CT. Meantime his wife Michelle stumps in Tucson, AZ, likely to be a battleground state in November.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ): The east coast in mighty crowded with candidates today. John McCain is also in Boston, MA and in Hamilton, NJ. Not to worry, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has the west coast covered, trolling for McCain votes today in Gardena, CA.

Former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA): Mitt Romney is probably confident he's going to win his home state of Massachusetts, so today he stumps in Atlanta, GA and Nashville, TN, two states were he is running close with fellow conservative Mike Huckabee.

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AR): With a lead in the Georgia polls, Mike Huchkabee spent all of Sunday criss-crossing Georgia, where he faces a "must win" situation to stay in this race. Today he campaigns in Tennessee and Arkansas, two states he could also win on Super Tuesday. We assume Huckabee has already bought his wife a nice Valentine's Day gift, after she was dispatched to campaign in Anchorage, Alaska. BBBBBBBBrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

I'll be at the University of the Pacific in Stockton, CA this afternoon, as Bill Clinton, campaigns for his wife Hillary.

Check in later at

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