Cue the curtain! Enter from stage left, Al Gore!
I wish they had tape at C-Span, but you'll have to settle for the scribbled ink notes of every Kiwanis and Rotary Club I have spoken to in the San Francisco Bay Area since 2000.
Al Gore will be the Democratic nominee in 2008, (he sat out 2004, I said, and like Richard Nixon did, and arose from the ashes 8 years after a narrow defeat.)
We will have two Vietnam Vets squaring off, just as we had two WWII era candidates face off in 1960. (Coincidentally, in both cases, one was an authentic American War hero, and the two others served on the edges, though they DID serve!).

The plot thickens, because ever since Labor Day my dad would call me on my cell phone (at all hours of the day), with the exact same theory. Sadly my dad died in late Decemeber, so we can't do what President Reagan used to say, ("trust but vefify!").

So, just trust me on this one!
Here is tonight's Delegate total after Obama crushed Clinton in today's 3 Democratic primaries: CLINTON: 1,100 OBAMA 1,039.

The issue, though, is momentum. Obama has a very good chance at winning ALL 3 of the "Potomac Primaries" this Tuesday, 2-12, and could win both Wisconsin and Hawaii a week later. While winning all 5 would still not caputure the nomination, Hillary Clinton would, in all likelihood be done, unless she could win Texas AND Ohio on March 4th.
You heard it here FIRST! When you wake up on March 5th, Obama will have a slight lead in delegates, but neither he nor Hillary will have enough to win. Even Pennsylvania on 4-22 can't finish it off. So, you face four months of a likely "brokered Convention."
So to prevent Democratic "Civil War," the party elders (i.e. Ted Kennedy, Bob Byrd, Pat Leahy, et. al., will draft Al Gore to run as a "favorite son.")
Oh, folks, I can get CRAZIER too!
Gore names Hillary Clinton as his VP. (She won't run with Obama in either position), but hey "Clinton-Gore" worked in '92, why not "Gore-Clinton 2008?")
Ironically enough, Obama will still have more delegates than Clinton, but the party will hedge its bets that Blacks will vote Democrat anyway. Probably a good gamble! Obama will endorse a Gore-Clinton ticket!
So get ready for a "Gore vs. McCain" showdown in 2008. Hillary Clinton will run as Gore's VP; and Sen. Elizabeth Dole (R-NC) will run with McCain, as a felow "gender bender!"
If I am wrong, belly up to the bar, and I'll buy the drinks! We'll have an authentic "Irish Wake" in fond memory of two of my favorite "Irish Pols"..Republican President Ronald Reagan and Democratic Speaker Tip O'Neill, who are handicapping this race from Heaven!
And we'll tip our hats to my Irish dad and political handicaper, Bill Curtis too!

Just in case I am wrong, I will be in Washington, DC from Sunday 2-10, to Thursday 2-14, covering the DC-VA-MD primaries! And 2-17 to 2-24 in Wisconsin (PLUS 3/4 in Texas!) After that, who knows!!!!
Visit me at: www.MarkCurtisMedia.blogspot.com.
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