It would be easy to write off Hillary Clinton’s devastating loss in Wisconsin as the end of her campaign. Many pundits have, and that is a mistake.
She is still very much in the running for the Democratic Presidential nomination. But it will take some revised strategy and luck.
Right now, polls in Ohio and Texas show Sen. Clinton with the lead. She has to campaign tirelessly for two weeks in both states (and make a few stops in Rhode Island and Vermont, who also vote on March 4).
Her campaign, including her husband and daughter, needs to start aggressively courting the so-called “Super Delegates.”
If she can win Ohio and Texas, and start getting solid commitments from Super Delegates, then she can still win. Momentum is not on her side though, but a big March 4 win could turn the psychological tide.
Keep in mind too, that the next big primary after March 4 is Pennsylvania on April 22. That’s a long time for Barack Obama to be out of the daily spotlight, and especially his fiery speeches. Six weeks can be an eternity in politics, or a chance at rebirth!
The Clinton campaign needs to change its media strategy too. Staffers need to press reporters, producers and editors to examine Obama’s legislative record (or perceived lack of one).
I am a political analyst by trade, but I love to play “political strategist” in my head. It’s the “what would I do, if I was in charge?” fantasy. (This is NOT an endorsement; I do this for every candidate). Here’s what I’d do with the key Clinton players:

Bill Clinton – Get him OFF the stage and into the backrooms. He has offended too many African American voters with his harsh attacks on Obama. He also turns off too many independents and moderates. Just get him out of the picture! On the other hand, he is a great “backroom, wheeler-dealer.” I would make him “Ambassador to the Super Delegates” and send him all over the nation for private meetings. Promise them Administration jobs (discreetly), or Congressional district highway projects, but get the uncommitted delegates on board.

Chelsea Clinton: Get her ON the stage, at every college campus in Ohio and Texas. I saw her at a college in Wisconsin this week, and she is terrific. Let her go after the youth vote that Obama has cultivated. The campaign has to quit handcuffing her too. Let her attack Obama, and let her talk to the press.
Hillary Clinton – She has to be tough. Politics is a “hardball” business. It’s a full contact sport. She needs to go after Obama’s perceived thin legislative record. Back in 1984, a weakened Walter Mondale surged back over a similar “feel good” candidate, by asking “Where’s the beef?” in a parody of a popular TV commercial. It worked, because Gary Hart had no “beef.” To many, he was an empty suit and was exposed. Hillary needs to try the same strategy on Obama.
Otherwise, it’s just back to the U.S. Senate chambers, representing New York State, instead of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, representing the whole nation.
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